However, men and women look for different substances in each other.
What a woman looks for in men is sensitivity, sincerity, intimacy, romance, communication, commitment, respect and steady income.
What a man looks for in a woman is looks, femininity, and a woman who makes a man feel needed and a woman who enjoys sex.
Do you believe men and women think differently when it comes to romance? If so, please tell us by adding your view in our comment box.
Women are from Venus, men from Mars.It is proofed that we think completely different way.They don't even need romance!
Just want to say what a great blog you got here!
I want to say many thanks for an fascinating website about a subject I have had an interest in for a while now. I have been checking in and reading through the comments avidly so just wanted to thanks for delivering me with some very informative reading material. I look forward to more, and taking a more intrest, whilst picking up some information too!!
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