Monday, December 30, 2013

Things You Can Do To Make Your Life Happy in 2014

Subscribe to this Blog and leave your comments.

Share this Blog with your friends, relatives, and associates.

Do what you thought you could never do.

Share information with others.

Have a good sense of humor and laugh at the most serious things.

Listen to music that makes you feel good.

Surround yourself with positive people, and leave the negative ones along the roadside.

Appreciate the people who have always been by your side through the good and bad times.

Do the things you love without explaining your reasons to others.

Love the fact that you can still have fun even if you have health related issues.

Enjoy life to the fullest.

One World Singles Magazine Blog Team

Monday, December 23, 2013

Thank You for Being Part of Our Blog

Where does the time go? Can you believe 2013 is on its way out, and a New Year is about to begin. That is right. Two thousand fourteen is just around the corner.

We at One World Singles Magazine Blog would like to take this time to thank you for your continuous support, for visiting our site and for leaving great comments. We also want to extend our thanks to the guest bloggers and authors who took the time to make us one of their stops during their Virtual Book Tours. Your input and contributions have made our Blog the success it is today, and we will continue to bring you inspiring articles, and people and authors on the move.

The staff is going on hiatus and will return on Monday, January 6, 2014.

Have a joyous and safe holiday and a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

One World Singles Magazine Blog Team 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Noteworthy Blogs and Sites to Visit

Following are some captivating sites, which you will find enlightening, entertaining and stimulating to the senses.



Romance is in the Air - When Linda Bolton is not promoting her friends’ books, she writes about boomer dating and relationships.



Sydney ArrisonBlog - Sidney is an author and blogger who write articles on writing, promoting and marketing books. She writes books that feature strong female characters and is the author of My Heat In Seoul, a contemporary romance story. Every Friday, she interviews authors.



Mickie Sherwood - Is an author of sweet, spicy romance novels set mostly in flavorful New Orleans/South Louisiana area. Visit Mickie's Mutterings for a taste of my life, recipes with pictures, and great reads. Follow her on Twitter


M.J. Kane Blog - M.J. Kane writes Romance (Contemporary, Interracial, Women's Fiction) focusing on the reality of relationships and dating. The author is also the newsletter editor of Romance Novels in Color.


Setting the Record Straight will at times address myths related to food that Dr. Linda De Villers, PhD, the author, has encountered in the process of writing Simple Sexy Food™  but it will be much more than that. Blog topics will range from myths about brainpower to when the right time is for tennis players to stretch.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Chatting with Sydney Arrison, Author of My Heat In Seoul

Sydney Arrison began writing at a very early age. While a freshman in college, her English professor encouraged her to pursue writing as a career. She was a reporter for the independent press and is currently working on her third novel. Sydney resides in New York with her husband and two children.

As a writer, what has been your biggest challenge, trials or tribulations that you have overcome? Often times it's very difficult to visit the fictional world, because real life is knocking on the door. While working on my latest book "My Heart In Seoul," my best friend was gravely ill. She and I knew she didn't have that much time left. Although my heart was broken and my spirit shattered, I knew if I stopped working on the book I wouldn't have finished it. Being able to visit Jasmine's and Wen's world is what kept me afloat. I couldn't wait to find out where the story was going next. Writing was definitely a welcome escape from reality. I think some of us do our best writing when we are "going through something."

Could you please give us a blur about your present or upcoming book? The book is about news anchor Jasmine Sinclair. She lives in NY, and has a very public break up with her famous fiancée. Instead of reporting the news, Jasmine has the tables turned on her and she has now become the news. Fed up with the prying eyes of the paparazzi, she decides to accompany her father, Senator John Avery Sinclair on his trip to Seoul.

Intoxicated by the night life in Seoul, Jasmine dares to approach a mysterious and handsome stranger. The encounter leads to an unforgettable, passion filled weekend, but upon returning to New York Jasmine soon realizes; that nothing will quell her yearning to be with the man she loves. Will distance, ambitions and family-ties keep them apart or will they find each other again?

Are you planning to write any more books in the near future? Right now I’m working on a young adult mystery novel. The story takes place in the south in the 1950’s.

What advice would you give someone who is thinking about writing a book? I would tell them not to write for fame or fortune. Write because you have a story to tell, a story to share. I would also tell them to be patient.

How can our readers get in touch with you? I have a contact form on my blog. Readers are more than welcome to email me.

Thank you for allowing us to dialogue with you. Do you have any words of wisdom for future authors? I would tell them to write from the heart, to not write based on trends.

Buy links

Contact Information

Monday, December 02, 2013

Meet Daniel Rafferty, Author of Counterpoint

We would like to welcome and thank Daniel Rafferty for making us one of his stops during his Virtual Book Tour. He is the author of Counterpoint, a Sci-fi/Fantasy novel. Here is a peek into what readers can expect from this extraordinary writer.


Move over “War of the Worlds,” we’ve got bigger issues to deal with now!  In author Daniel Rafferty’s “Counterpoint,” things aren’t always as they seem—but what, exactly, does that mean?   Is it time for the fight to the end between good and evil, Heaven and Hell? Is it the beginning of Armageddon and the end of time?

It all starts out innocently enough when 12-year-old Mary asks her father where he’s off to, which happens to be one of mankind’s worst endeavours, a World War.  But the story quickly moves beyond earthly boundaries, with angels, demons, the devil, archangels and even humans with supernatural powers, coming together to fight a battle between right and wrong, good and evil.  And the powers-that-be are acting on God’s behalf, but is he just watching from a distance to see what happens? What’s God’s role in all of this—and will he be back to save the day—does he even still exist?

You may think you know the storyline, with so many familiar biblical names being thrown about like fresh holy water; however, there are strange twists and turns that’ll leave you wondering who the good guys and bad guys really are. Is Lucifer actually the devil incarnate or do we humans have it all wrong?  Is Archangel Michael really who we think he is? Can all angels be trusted and are some demons good? It’s a mixed up dimension of space and time when you’re dealing with supernatural entities and human beings—and whose to be trusted?

Beyond the clear symbolism of names such as Mary, Gabriel, David, Ariel and others, what role does the Bassett family play and why does everyone seem to have plans for them?  Why have they been chosen among all other families on earth to do what they do? What have they been selected to do? Will they realize their roles in time to save the planet and the universe as we know it or are they just pawns in a much bigger scheme?
This epic tale takes places from Liverpool to London, to the Scottish and Welsh highlands and over to Dublin—but the end-game results will either be salvation or total destruction of the entire world—and the outcome is still not certain. Is God’s human experiment over—or will we continue for another millennium?  To find out, you must stop what you’re doing right now and read the pages of this exciting story! Say your prayers and hope someone’s listening!

Book Excerpt

“Then destroy Hell!” Gabriel countered loudly. Both had now squared up to each other.
“Destroy Hell?” shouted Michael, over Gabriel’s repeated yeses, “and lose hundreds of angels in the process. What about the millions of demons roaming the planet? They’ll regroup and we won’t have the troops to counter them.”
“Michael,” said Gabriel calmly. He didn’t want them ending up brawling and destroying half the city in the process. “This is wrong. If we try to forcefully remove evil from this planet we risk destroying it. Humanity is capable of ejecting evil from this world. Give them the time to do so. Let the experiment run its course,” he reasoned.
“Evil was never meant to be part of this experiment!”
“We don’t know that. God left no instruction, nothing. For all we know evil is the very object humanity must overcome to pass this experiment.” Gabriel sat back down again. He knew the other Archangels agreed with him, at least to some extent, but would not anger Michael.
“The time is now,” finished Michael once more. The other archangels listened to Michael and Gabriel now descend into an ear bashing row. The world’s inhabitants, human, animal and supernatural alike had no idea that at this very moment, their fate was being determined in a hotel suite in London.

Author Bio

Daniel Rafferty, Author

Daniel Rafferty currently lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is actively engaged in writing the epic Counterpoint Trilogy Series and is also working on different pieces of writing outside this genre. This includes the upcoming sci-fi thriller Destiny: Illusions. Always intrigued with epic dramas and grand questions, which have been asked throughout the history of civilisation, he aims to incorporate dramatic stories around these questions. This provides a large tapestry in which his writing is sewn.

