There is a saying, “Love is not supposed to hurt.” However, we are talking about when lovemaking begins to hurt. You are probably wondering how engaging in sex becomes painful. Well, wonder no more. To discover common sex injuries and other hazards, please click here.
A Blog for people of all colors, ages (18+) religions, ethnicities, and lifestyles. Bringing you informative articles and advice on dating, romance, love, relationships, featured romance authors, virtual book tours, interviews, events, movie trailers, and so much more.
Monday, February 22, 2021
Monday, February 15, 2021
The Best Marriage Advice for Long Lasting Relationships
A video from GLTVchat.
Enjoy and please leave your comments whether you are married or not.
Monday, February 08, 2021
Stuck at Home Alone - Five Romance Stories You Can Read on Saint Valentine’s Day
It may come as no surprise, but some men and women do not have a partner to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day. Moreover, with COVID-19 still here, along with the discovery of a new strain, folks should avoid traveling, large gatherings, and remain home. Many couples also have a long-distance relationship. Rather than travel, they will most likely remain home or go viral to connect.
Being alone on Saint Valentine’s Day does not mean you are lonely. With over seven billion people in the world, you are never alone. In one way or another, we are all connected.
Therefore, we have listed five romance books that you can read on this special day. If you are lucky to have someone in your life with you, read the stories together.
To purchase these books, click on the title. Happy
Café Mocha by Vivienne Diane Neal
This is the author’s first and only sensual romance short story, focusing on Cinnamon Jones a divorcée who has decided to change her way of thinking when it comes to meeting men. No more will she settle for someone who does not measure up to her high standards, which she did when she first met her husband, Horatio Jones. When he became successful, he dumped her. However, after she meets Ray Samuel in a café, sparks will fly. Will Cinnamon find true love, or will she end up making the same mistake twice?
Royal Cowries by Stella-Eromonsere-Ajanaku
This saga takes place during the late 1400s in Igodomigodo,
an ancient city in
Saba & Nisha by Lakshmi Raj Sharma
Presents an authentic view on how destiny can decide who we choose to love and whether the desire to be with that person develops into a lasting bond when tradition, religion, class, and the changing roles of women come into play.
Unlawful Desires (Lawyers in Lust Book 1) by Sassy Sinclair, aka Pamela Samuels Young
Sharla Ratliff and Marcel Dennard are lawyers and have no luck when it comes to seeking a lifetime partner until they meet at a dance.
Married in The Nick of Nine (Cass & Nick Series, Book 1) by Alretha Thomas
Cassandra Whitmore wants to get married in nine months but keeps meeting total jerks until she discovers Nicolas Harte at a nightclub and believes he is “The One.”Monday, February 01, 2021
Congratulations to UBAWA’s Top 100 Authors of 2020
UBAWA's Top 100 Authors is an annual list published at the end of every year to celebrate the many talented authors whose work often goes unnoticed. Congratulations to the following authors below who were nominated and chosen by readers as UBAWA'S Top 100 Authors of 2020.
UBAWA'S Top 100 Authors of 2020 will be published in the
41st issue of the UBAWA
Magazine and
featured in the next edition of Who's
Who in Urban Literature. If no one else takes the time out to recognize the hard work
that many independent authors put in day-to-day, we will. It has been
our mission and commitment since 2010 and we are happy that you and thousands
of others can join us in giving these authors their props.
AMarie Johnson |
Ebony Turrentine |
Lakeisha Martin |
Quasia Little |