Monday, May 23, 2022

How Long Should An Engagement Last?

Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

Many women look forward to being engaged and having that dream wedding. The question is how long should an engagement last, and what other expenses and activities come with an engagement? 


According to Samantha Bridal's Survey, the average engagement period in Kenya is between 16-17 months. Ninety-nine percent of the men do the proposing and one percent of women propose to their mates. Most women like to consider themselves engaged because it is a great feeling and see it as a sign of settling down. Most of the women engaged are under 35 years of age and have a high educational profile. Sixty-nine percent of the engaged couples have known each other for more than three years.

Most of the engagements happen during December, the New Year, and on Saint Valentine’s Day. Sixty-four percent of the couples are already living together before the actual marriage.


Many couples tend to open new bank accounts and spend a lot of money buying furniture and household items. The couple also uses this time to fulfill cultural obligations like payment of bride price and marriage counseling.


Most couples spend money on engagement rings, wedding rings, and any other jewelry. This is costly because real gold and silver are quite expensive.


According to Samantha’s survey, 64% of couples are living together before marriage. Nowadays, courtship is done differently compared to the past. Many young couples prefer to live together before walking down the aisle.

For engagement and wedding ideas in Kenya, click here. 


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