Monday, December 21, 2015

Thank You for Being A Part of Our Blog

Each year, we ask the same question: Where does the time go? Can you believe 2015 is on its way out, and a New Year is about to begin. That is right. Two thousand sixteen is just around the corner with two big events: The presidential election and leap year. Since we are a Blog dedicated to helping singles and couples with their love lives and adding more zing to their relationship and finding love, romance and life-time partners, we are concentrating on Leap Year, the time when women propose to men, and leaving the news on the presidential campaign to the political pundits.

One World Singles Blog would like to take this time to thank you for your continuous support, for visiting our site and for leaving great comments. We also want to extend our thanks to the guest bloggers and authors who took the time to make our Blog one of their stops during their Virtual Book Tours. Your input and contributions have made our Blog the success it is today, and we will continue to bring you inspiring articles, people, and authors on the move.

The staff is going on hiatus and will return on Monday, January 4, 2016.

Have a joyous and safe holiday and a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

One World Singles Blog Team 

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