Monday, February 10, 2020

Highlighting Kate Muehlemann-Cataldo Who Captures Images That Connect Us All

Kate Muehlemann-Cataldo is a Brooklyn, NY based artist who works as a Hospice nurse and studies/practices the traditional science of yoga.  The goal of yoga is to come to understand our true Self behind the changeability and temporary nature of our physical and mental experiences.  She makes work to illustrate that something constant remains behind them all - beyond birth, death, and old age, uniting all of us.

Kate's newest body of work (in progress) focuses on patients who are on a Hospice program, and thus is an exploration of the period of time that can be considered End of Life.  She paints large scale oil portraits of mostly her own patients, however, anyone who is facing end of life either themselves or as a caregiver are welcome to contact Kate to discuss being involved in the portrait project at

You can visit Kate's work at, or see her work in progress and updates by following her on Instagram @katemuehlemann.  

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