Monday, May 30, 2016

Recognize the Signs: When You Are in a Doomed Relationship by Vivienne Diane Neal

The cautionary signs are always there as to whether a romantic relationship is going to work. Often the messages people receive are so obvious that folks, especially women, tend to just ignore them until they recognize that the joke played on them was at their expense.

Following are the in our face signs that will tell you that it is time to move on and not waste your time, energy or power on a relationship that is destined to fail:

1.   You meet someone online. Two weeks later you’re lending him money, then for the second time and then the third time.

2.   It’s Valentine’s Day, but you’re spending that day alone.

3.   The gift giving holiday is approaching. He starts to argue or finds fault with you and leaves, only to come back after the celebration is over, begging for your forgiveness.

4.   One month into the relationship, the man wants to move in with you because he wants to shift from his mother’s house.

5.   He spends more time on his cell phone, checking his emails, sending text messages to God knows whom, or surfing through social media than he does with you.

6.   You discover that the man you met on a singles’ dating site has been legally separated from his wife for several years.

7. You discover he has a hidden child somewhere and is behind in his child support payment.

These are just some of the common signs that one should be aware of. Relationships are a give and take act. If the woman is the one giving and the man is just taking, then she will have to check her reasons for staying in a one-sided relationship.

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