Monday, June 08, 2015

Tips for Planning a Frugal Wedding - An Encore by Miss Know It All

Miss Know It All
Yes, that’s right. I said a frugal wedding.  Don’t stand on ceremonies when it comes to saving money. Why spend humongous amounts of cash, refinance a home or use credit cards on a wedding that might not last for more than a second.  

Today, the average American wedding can cost anywhere from $30,000 to $50,000, and that’s just in New York City. If you have disposable income, then go ahead and plan that extravagant event. But if you are in a financial hole, and who isn’t in this economy, you can still have a fabulous wedding without going into debt. Following are some ideas to help you plan that extraordinary, penny-pinching wedding. The extra cash you’ll save can go towards putting a down-payment on a house, investing in stock market or buying a certificate of deposit, even if it only provides .01% interest. At least you’ll have some money for that rainy day.

Rather than have fancy and expensive invitations printed by a vendor, print the invitations yourself on plain 20 lb. paper, and don’t include a self-addressed stamped envelope for your guests to RSVP. Chances are they will remove the postage stamp, never reply and still show up at your wedding.

You can save bundles of money, avoid drama brought on by family, friends and future in-laws by going to City Hall.

If you must have that designer wedding dress, go to a thrift shop, rent or ask to borrow a friend’s or relative’s dress.

Instead of having an elaborate reception at some exclusive catering hall, celebrate your union at McDonald’s, Burger King, Popeyes or Kentucky Fried Chicken, and let your guests pay at cost.

Use fake foliage instead of fresh flowers.

Forget the eight tiered wedding cake. Serve cupcakes, brownies or cookies.

If you want to save money on food and drinks, have guests bring their own dish and/or liquor.

Instead of hiring a stretch limousine, use public transportation, roller skate, bike, walk or jog to your destinations.

For music, bring a radio and tune into a station that plays non-stop melodies.

Ask your guests to take photos and videos of your wedding ceremony. You will save a fortune. And chances are the photographer and/or videographer will end up taking lousy images, go out of business or disappear with all of your money.

For your honeymoon, rent a travel video of the place you would like to visit, and pretend you and your mate are there.

In lieu of gifts, ask for cash.

Well, that’s it. These tips may sound tacky, but think about it; your unforgettable wedding will be the chatter of your guests for years to come.

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